Monday, April 13, 2009

Digg Dialogg with Trent Reznor

I make no secret of my unbridled love for the band Nine Inch Nails. I can remember the moment my friend Josh let me have The Fragile and how i would play it over and over in my truck on the way to high school. I can remember listening to The Downward Spiral and the Broken EP with friends while hanging out playing Goldeneye on the N64, and when Year Zero came out, i was constantly scouring blogs and forum posts looking for the latest clues in the ARG that accompanied it.

Diggnation is also a fun little diversion that i catch from time to time. Back in the early days of RantTV, i would watch the broken with friends who came over to my house and show them all the cool tech stuff you could do with just a few bucks and a little ingenuity.

So what happens when the two things meet? You get the above video, which is a collection of questions posed to the NIN mastermind from the digg community. Want to know what the most embarrassing thing Reznor keeps on his Ipod? Want to know how he feels about the current state of the music industry? And which classic arcade cabinet does Reznor own just to get away from the monotony of life, the universe, and everything?

Find out in the Digg Dialogg Interview with Trent Reznor.

Just dont tell John Malm….

Thanks to Revision 3 for the embed.

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