Thursday, April 16, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different [Investigative Journalism]

This is a recommended media blog, and that includes journalism.  One of the ideas we had when we started this blog was to do media criticisms, calling out motards in the press that get it consistently wrong.

But somehow, and this surprises me as much as anyone, a blog that I’m supposedly in charge of is taking on a mostly positive tone. 

This post is no exception – what is exceptional is that I’m pointing to the best bit of investigative journalism I’ve seen in some time – and it’s coming from a fairly unknown blog entitled “Music Machinery,” by Paul Lamere.

The post, entitled “Inside the precision hack,” looks delves into great detail via first hand reports how 4chan rigged Time’s poll to decide the most influential people in “government, science, technology and the arts.”


It’s definitely worth reading.

Go check it out.

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