Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attack of The Lens Flare…


So a week without posts, bet you are wondering what I've been doing(no you don't). I've been sitting on my ass! But in between those counter-productive spurts of laziness, i took the time to check out Star Trek.

As you can tell, my week was sort of tame…

First on my list of things to talk about. Star Trek. Now admittedly I’m not a Trekkie, so if you are overwhelming retarded for the canon, don't expect me to be your guiding light. I have fond yet somewhat subtle memories of my father getting whatever he could done in time for The Next Generation, watching it gleefully like it was his final frontier friend. But me, I was a Star Wars kid. I like Star Trek however, its just not a lasting imprint.

So when i caught wind that J.J. “cloverfield” Abrams was pulling down a reboot of the franchise, my interest was peaked. Cloverfield was somewhat decent. It had a feeling of Suspense and Crazy Shit that I expected, But alot of the melodrama could have been spared. And a ton of useless dialog. So JJ takes the reigns and drags her in pretty smoothly. If not for Epic Lens Flare…


So the Movie is set pre-Enterprise completion. Apparently that gets built on earth. Iowa is full of alien rednecks and massive towering spires that loom in the distance, and Pre-Teen Kirk is a hotshot snot nose with a penchant for pissing off his Step-Father. We the audience know its a Step-Parent because the opening sequence of the movie shows Kirk’s Bio-Dad getting all sorts of dead at the massive weaponry of movie antagonist Nero.

Nero is a Romulan who fell through a time hole with Old Spock, and then waited for Spock 25 years at the hole in space, so he could steal his time hole stuff and destroy every planet in the federation…..taking his revenge for a serious indiscretion committed against his kind far into the future. It sounds convoluted for a bad guy backstory. But it just sort of works.

That's the thing about this movie, it just sort of works. I keep on trying to focus on rational and plot holes and trying to understand how any of the actual story information works……and i just stop being concerned. It’s Science Fiction, one of those things that doesn't have to rely on factoids and information. It breathes the essence of creativity. You can think and imagine anything and make it come to life. That’s why it works, because its the only medium in which it can work.

Its a fun and action packed romp through the possibilities of imagination. I have no qualms about the progression of story elements, the introductions of characters, or any other random nuance that might leave a hardcore-trek fan teaming with rage. I enjoyed the meet-up between Young Kirk and Old Spock, I enjoyed the random green babe who rooms with Uhura at the Academy, i enjoyed the random paratrooper jump onto a mining platform laser that hung like a ladder from miles in space way down to the atmosphere of a planet. It didn't have to make sense to me. And that's probably what ill take away from it when I'm years older and i recall the films of my youth. I enjoyed it, and i have a sneaking suspicion you will too.

Small outgoing deviation; The kid who plays Chekov, Anton Yelchin, is freaking outstanding and every thing I've seen him in thus far, is cinema gold. If this franchise is reinvigorated by this new Trek, i want him and every other character from the movie back for the second go-around. They are all stand outs, and I'm glad that Karl Urban actually proved me wrong and didn't lose all credibility after being in the Doom movie fighting Zombie Soldier Rock….

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