Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Ends this Friday…

Insert sad face here.


This is really not a gimmicky post with a video to entertain and some sort of short entry on what i think you should watch. Im just incredibly melancholy that one of my favorite TV shows will air for the last time This Friday Night at 9 Central Time on the Sci-Fi Channel (*cough* SHAMELESS PLUG *cough*)

Battlestar Galactica is technically a sci-fi show about a “rag tag fleet of several space fairing ships that survive a holocaust and then must search the universe to find a mythic home called Earth.” What they are not telling you is that its an insightful and meaningful drama about thousands of people who have their very way of life ripped from them, an engaging and dramatic tale of characters always a stones-throw away from catastrophe and total annihilation. And on Friday, the four season journey of Admiral Adama and Crew closes with “Daybreak Part 2” – where apparently, Adama is jumping the Battlestar Galactica right into the heart of Cylon Home Base and storming the freaking gates like a kamikaze pilot looking for a gigantic red target.

I remember watching the miniseries after getting word that Battlestar Galactica was getting revamped by Ron Moore, the same guy who brought us Deep Space Nine and Deadwood, and the amazing quality of that miniseries is what sucked me in. Now at the time, Sci-Fi was producing miniseries more often than it was producing actual engaging television, so seeing the miniseries on the network was a breath of fresh air, but also sad because i figured it was a one-shot deal just like every other miniseries they had ever aired….ever. When the series was picked up for a full season of hour long television, i was ecstatic. Finally, a decent show about hardship and suffering on a planetary scale….that just so happened to be set in space and have sweet-ass dogfights and a girl who beats up her commanding officer and swills beer. Nice. Very Nice.

If you haven’t gotten to see the story of the Colonial Fleet and their search for Earth, most of the episodes (save the last ten that have been airing recently) are available on DVD and iTunes. I’ve watched every episode of this show, and im sad to see it end. (watch from the mini-series and pay attention. One of the best episodes of the show is the first actual hour of the show, after the miniseries, titled “33”)

So i raise a pint (ST PATRICKS DAY WAS YESTERDAY AND I REFERENCED IT!! HAHA SILLY ME!) to the Colonial Holocaust, The Opera House, The Resistance, The Occupation, The Cylon Civil War, and all those crazy frakin toasters who have made television greater and more open over the years. It will be a sad day to see the old girl go. Here’s looking at you, Battlestar.

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