Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can someone explain this to me?

What is the big deal with The Jonas Brothers?

According to that bin of knowledge known as Wikipedia, The Jonas Brothers are an American Pop-Rock Band who first gained popularity on the television show Hanna Montana.

So riddle me this Batman, why all of a sudden are these guys releasing a “movie” in 3d of their concert experience? I understand that kids like them and they are apparently squeaky clean enough to make it on the disney channel, but what is the appeal. Quite personally, i would pay 10 dollars to sit in a theater and watch U2 in 3d far more quickly than i would an act from the Disney Channel.

I see this alot actually. When i worked projection at a local movie theater chain, i was let in on the secret that Disney owns far too much for things to actually be fair, but i was also threading up preview reels of what was called “the digital experience” 

“The Digital Experience” was a 7-minute exposition piece about all the different things Digital offered to customers at said movie theater. Back then, when Digital was first making the rounds in my area, they were showing clips of Pearl Jam and Queens of the Stone Age in HD quality as part of a “special concert series”

Now ive looked and tried to find actual information regarding these two bands and the countless others showcased in these Digital Experience Reels and when or where they would be playing. There are two major theaters in the area, so i cant be that hard…..right?

A recommendation. Stop putting Hanna Montana and The Jonas Brothers in 3d Concert Experiences at movie theaters, and instead get decent bands with a large body of work to come in and use this technology to their benefit. I know that me and a good portion of my friend base would kill to see “Jeremy” in HD on a huge movie theater screen and would most likely pay 10 bucks at least once to do so.

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